ArtBeat 2013: This year's theme: micro!
ArtBeat is one of the area's largest and most innovative arts festivals, with over a dozen bands, dance troupes, 75 craft vendors, food and micro-themed activities. Download pdf of ArtBeat 2013 program guide here.
Or, you can also check the schedule tab above for lineup and full descriptions.
Thinking big has been done. So this year, we invite you to think small. “Micro” evokes many things: microscopes, microwaves, microgrooves, micro-beers, micro-grants (like kickstarter) and perhaps even Micronesia! Visual artists might explore infinitesimally small patterns or forms. Tech wizards might create projects exploring the power of microprocessors or a symphony of microwave ovens heating up various food items. Dancers might explore small, subtle gestures or work within a confined space. Other ideas include exploring the locavore movement, which promotes shopping and living on a local/micro scale. Ultimately, we are interested in exploring how small things might attract oversized impact and attention. We look forward to your creative interpretation of this theme!