Submitted by ittwm on
We want to entertain you. Come join us and have some fun. Bring your kids..... if you want... but you don't have to.

Submitted by ittwm on
We want to entertain you. Come join us and have some fun. Bring your kids..... if you want... but you don't have to.
Submitted by Btruboff on
Submitted by belamored on
A not-your-typical cover band comprised of five fun loving, seasoned individuals on a quest to unearth and re-interpret an assortment of booty shakin' tunes from the world of blues, country, swing, and rock 'n roll.
Submitted by rose giovanetti on
What could be more all-American than Blues, Jazz, and Tap Dance? How about a little Rock and Roll! Little Rose and the Boston All-Stars bring you the swingingest porch in Somerville! Vocalist and tap dancer Rose Giovanetti has assembled an eclectic line-up of musicians featuring Roberto Cassan, accordion virtuoso; Josh Hilberman, formerly 'the greatest tap dancer in Somerville'; Theo Powers, rhythm guitar and Elvis-style vocals; Jason Davis, stand-up guy on the upright bass; Sir Cecil Rednellac, the 'Ray Charles of Boston,' on drums; and Somerville legends Kathy Partridge, on taps, and saxophonist Dick 'the poet' Lourie. Did we mention dancing in the street?