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Music Genre: 
Band Description: 

We're a bunch of roommates (including but not limited to the members of the band Hush Club, playing at Somerville's Crystal Ballroom on May 11!) who like to cover the Beatles and other classic pop and rock. We will take requests shouted at us from the sidewalk. Guaranteed to raise a smile.

small blue
12:00 PM to 2:00 PM

Très Bien Ensemble

Music Genre: 
Porchfest Sub Genre: 
Band Description: 

During the academic year of 2008-2009, Kris, Grant, Marji, and Dan would get together many evenings to play Beatles tunes in a shabby, lovely apartment on Bonnie Brae St. in Houston, Texas. This PorchFest reunion jam will feature tunes spanning the entire Beatles repertoire. Come join in on the back-up vocals. If you feel like it, bring your guitar. Or tambourine. Or sitar!

Band Image: 
small red
12:00 PM
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