PorchFest Somerville 2024 will take place on Sat. May 11th (RD the 12th)
Registration Now Closed
Similar to prior years, to ensure guests can move orderly through the city and listen to the music, porches located West (west of Willow) will perform during the slot from 12-2; Central (from Willow to Central) from 2-4; East (east of Central) from 4-6. If you are performing for a shorter duration in that time slot, use the "time" field to qualify that specific time.
Please, do not perform beyond the two hour period.
For bands and hosts, please read/review first this PorchFest tip sheet.
If there are a number of bands on a particular side street (not major streets, i.e. Summer, School, Highland, College, Central, Broadway, etc.) you may elect to request a "block party" permit to close your street for a two hour period. See this PDF for instructions
To view bands as registration emerges, go to Register page and view map/content.
Remember Somerville Porchfest is for performers playing in Somerville. The Council does not have the capacity to match make bands with porches/locations.
In 2011, the Council created a decentralized music festival--Porchfest. Perhaps you’ve sat on your porch and overheard a neighbor strumming guitar on another porch? Porchfest takes this idea and multiplies it. This is not a festival per se but rather a community event where Somervillians share their love of playing and listening to music. Think of Somerville Open Studios, which is for visual artists, but for music.