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Mike Rivard/Eric Freeman/Allison Stamiris

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Mike Rivard/Eric Freeman/Allison Stamiris
2:00 PM
22 Vinal Ave. Community Growing Center

Mike Rivard (Club D'Elf), Eric Freeman (Honey Circuit) & Allison Stamiris (Agbekor) combine the drums & rhythms of West Africa - primarily Mali, Guinea & Ghana - with the sound of the Moroccan sintir, a 3-stringed bass lute made of camel skin and used by the Gnawa people in their trance ceremonies. Fusing the ancient with the contemporary, the sound of the group is trance-like and mesmerizing with a groove that captivates. Rhythms such as Cha'abi, Sungurubani and Take played on kalimba, balafon, sabar drum & djun djun, mesh with deep bass grooves on the sintir to inspire ecstatic dancing.

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