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Nonfiction Writer's picture
Jean Duffy

Jean is the debut author of Soccer Grannies: The South African Women Who Inspire the World. She is grateful that, going into this project, she didn’t understand how long it actually takes to write a book.
Her nonfiction writing has been published in the Boston Globe, Concord Monitor, Lexington Observer, PBS Next Avenue, WBUR Cognoscenti, and other sites.

Jean frequents the soccer field in Lexington, Massachusetts, where her team, the Lexpressas, has been playing for some twenty years. But who’s counting.

When not pounding her fingers on the keyboard or flubbing a shot on goal, Jean can be found consulting with nonprofits, helping people downsize, or at home in Somerville, Massachusetts, doing crossword puzzles with her husband.

Follow her adventures with the Soccer Grannies on Instagram
and Facebook


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