Noble Dust | The Wolff Sisters | Goodnight Blue Moon
Noble Dust | The Wolff Sisters | Goodnight Blue Moon
4:00 PM
9 Cater Terr
See map: Google Maps
Goodnight Blue Moon - Best Roots Act in the 2016 New England Music Awards & Best Folk/Traditional Act in the 2013 Connecticut Music Awards
The Wolff Sisters - With haunting harmonies and songs reminiscent of washed up wanderers on New England’s salty coasts, Rebecca, Rachael, and Kat stole Boston’s heart as The Wolff Sisters (yes, they’re really sisters).
Noble Dust - A motley collection of reformed band geeks, Noble Dust fills festivals and tiny living rooms alike with their dynamic, lyrically-driven progressive folk pop. They recently released their debut LP with a grant from Club Passim's Iguana Fund.
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