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Nebulous Mayonnaise

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Nebulous Mayonnaise
2:00 PM
242 Willow Ave.

Psst! Hey you! Yeah, you! The one killing time at work and trying to figure out what the hell you're doing this weekend! You're thinking "I could go to Porchfest, but I'd have to slog through a bunch of incredible performances by talented musicians. Sigh." Not this time you don't! Come to 242 Willow Ave and you'll be treated to the stylings of a rotating, rag-tag group of musicians who may be meeting each other for the first time. There'll be meandering reggae jams, 90's classics, radio staples, spirited renditions of Wagon Wheel, and more aided by more alcohol intake than advisable in the early afternoon! You can even sing along if you feel so inclined and/or tipsy enough! You can't lose!

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