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Into the Wild, Exploring and Celebrating the Untamed

Into the Wild, Exploring and Celebrating the Untamed

1 Davis Square, Somerville

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In honor of this year’s ArtBeat theme: “WILD”, the Inside-Out gallery and guest curator, Edie Bresler, have brought together a wonderful collective of untethered talent that explores the unruly and untamed.... with a natural flare.

“When we pay attention to the natural world, something beautiful happens. Whether it is heightened awareness from direct observation, an imaginary encounter, finding innovative ways to use collected organic materials or seeking gestures to convey the unfettered energy swirling around us. Being in conversation with nature is a wild way to renew one’s sense of wonder and mystery. Thank you to these Somerville artists for participating in ArtBeat 2024.”  - Edie Bresler, guest curator

Participating Artists
Henry Bergman
Jonathan Donahue
Martha Friend
Kerrie Kemperman
Emmaline Kenny
Mary Kocol
Pauline Lim
Uma Mirani
Deb Olin
Judith Prager
Debra Weisberg

ArtBeat 2024: Wild
At this year’s festival, we will explore all that is wild, and the myriad ways this word can be interpreted. Wild can convey that which is uninhabited, untamed and convey images like lushness, luxuriance, and nature in its pure unkempt form. Wild can also convey that which is feral, fierce, and unconventional. How will Somerville and all its artists and community members interpret this theme? We anticipate a wild ride. Whatever the art form or mode of expression, we seek performances and activities that are “out there,” weird, and exuberant. Let’s generate artistic expression by leaving polite society behind and wander into the wild.

About the Inside-Out Gallery
Initiated in 2009, The Inside-Out Gallery is located in the CVS Window in Davis Square, a unique space that allows the public to view an eclectic array of works from artists and local organizations each month. The mission of the Somerville Arts Council is to cultivate and celebrate the creative expressions of the Somerville community. Through innovative collaborations and quality programming we work to make the arts an integral part of life reflective of our diverse city.