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Initiatives for BIPOC Artists 2023

Dancing my Blues Away, work by Tori Weston

Initiatives for BIPOC Artists 2023

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During the Fall 2020 while COVID was raging and the desire to be reflective about how arts resources reach the community, the Arts Council developed a local Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) support initiative. Since then, we have released over $261,000 to the BIPOC community in forms of fellowships and project grants. Please see below some of the outcomes from this support.

Apply, Community and Event Space for BIPOC Artists:
In 2022, the Arts Council launched a Pop-up event and exhibition space at the Armory Building for local BIPOC artists. In the past 1.5 years this space has served over 15 groups or artists. The goal has been to support programming, provide temporary space, and funds to this community of artists. This initiative aims to provide a safe, vibrant, and free space to be curated by artists of color. The pop-up location features couple of rooms: a common room where there are new exhibitions on a rotational basis and a larger room that can be reserved for small events, lectures, workshops, and any programming that serves the local BIPOC arts community. Funds are provided depending on the programming and availability of funds. There is an application and interview process required before booking the space. This initiative aims to support the development of BIPOC artists to lead, program, and organize an environment that creates a sense of safety and encouragement.

To learn more please reach out to Iaritza Menjivar in our office imenjivar(a)
Application to be considered can be found here. Deadline is open on a rolling basis. 

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10/13/23 6:30 PM
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02/24/23 6:00 PM