"T" is the journey of three struggling Bostonians whose lives have been derailedby the MBTA's shortcomings. When they discover a secret map that will let themconquer the T once and for all, they set forth on a colorful journey that is partlove story, part melodrama, part scavenger hunt - but mostly underground.
We have a flexible ticket policy. Due to the ever-changing public healthsituation, you may change your ticket to another performance. Select yourpreferred date, and if you decide you'd rather come another night just drop us anemail at [email protected]! As long as space allows, we'll move you to thenew date!
Play a Subway Scavenger Hunt on your way to the show! Add $3 to yourticket to cover processing fees, and we'll send you a link to the game!
At this time, the audience is required to wear masks while in thetheater. Our performers are all fully vaccinated and take rapid antigen testsbefore each performance.