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Somerville Art Space Demand

Space at the Armory

Somerville Art Space Demand


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The Somerville Arts Council has been tracking art space demand in various forms and surveys since 2013. This survey underwent an editing process in 2022 and resulted in the Arts Space Connector that is currently active on the website. The Space Connector has helped us understand the demand/need for art space. Since 2013 there have been 361 responses, 123 of those occurring between November 2022 and March 2023

The data collected through the Space Connector form is helping us to understand the art space needs of our community. Using this data, we can prioritize the types of spaces that have a high demand and understand where our gaps in outreach are. We will regularly analyze this data and post it on this web page. 

We are currently working on a program to utilize this data to match the respondents to spaces that will become available through the Arts and Cultural Enterprise (ACE) set asides. More information on this will be announced when this program is developed.

In the meantime if you are looking for Art Space please fill out the Somerville Art Space Connector! And if you want to stay up to date on all of the Art Space related news from the Somerville Arts Council sign-up for our Art Space Newsletter. 

Art Space Connector Summaries